I have come to find, however, that "some days" become the days when I know my God the best. Because God is here, in this mundane. In the early mornings when I struggle to drag myself out of bed to face another day. In the overwhelm of the workplace that gets more of my time than anyone or anything else. In the relational labor of pursuing and being pursued by broken people. In the management of money and time and passion. In the falling into bed at the end of it all, anticipating the early morning to come too soon, once again. God is in this mundane, making it glorious even in its monotony.
I think I often buy into the lie perpetuated by our culture that says if something (a job, a relationship, an act of service...) does not yield immediate and grand results, it must not be worth our time or effort. And so I discount the mundane as unholy or unworthy of my continued faithfulness. What I read in Galatians 6:9, however, is this: "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."
Don't get tired, friend, of pursuing that broken and world-hardened person who is hard to love. Don't get tired of driving to that workplace where you have invested yourself for months or years or decades. Don't get tired of washing dishes or rocking your sleep-deprived babe. Don't get tired of the mundane you are living, because at just the right time you will reap harvest. It may not be harvest you will even see in this lifetime, but it will come.
There is glory in this mundane, in the quiet pursuit of a God who loves you forever and always, who seeks out your heart even in the drive to work or the dishwashing and babe-rocking. Who sees your faithfulness in that difficult relationship or seemingly fruitless act of service. Be encouraged...You are not hidden, and your steadfastness in the mundane is reaping a bountiful harvest.
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